Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Video Tutorial / How-To


Final Videos Must:
  • Include Title
  • Include Edited Video Clips
  • Include Step-by-Step Instructions or Guidance
  • Include End Credits (who did what?)
  • Be useful / informative
  • Be 10 minutes or less
Videos Must NOT Include:
  • Commercial Music (i.e. Lady Gaga, Metallica, etc.)
  • Inappropriate Material (words, gestures, images, gangs, etc.)
  • Illegal Material (drugs, alcohol, nudity, etc.)
Suggestions / Ideas for Tutorial Videos:
  • How to change the oil on a VW Beetle
  • How to hang drywall
  • How to bake and frost a chocolate cake
  • How to play scales on an alto saxophone
  • How to clean a fish tank
  • How to sew a pillow by hand
  • How to make a cherry pie
  • How to buy a car (what to look out for)
  • How to mix a song in Virtual DJ
  • How to Dougie, Spongebob, or some other dance
  • How to French Braid hair
  • How to draw anime characters
  • How to get your deviantART works seen by more people
  • How to do a flower arrangement
  • How to build an automatic cactus harvester in Minecraft
  • How to build a raised vegetable bed


  1. Never had an idea about this, will look for more of such informative posts from your side.. good job…
    BUS 475 Week 4 Individual Assignment

  2. It’s really a very awesome content. You have done an very good job. express gratitude you so much for discussing
    RES 351 Week 4 Individual Assignment



•  Add your name to your projects
•  Save Photoshop projects as PSD and JPG
•  Save Bryce projects as BR7 and [Save Image As] JPG
•  Save Sculptris projects as SC1 and JPG and export it as an OBJ.
•  Save Rhino projects as 3DM and JPG
•  Save Flash projects as FLA and go to FILE>PUBLISH SETTINGS and publish as SWF and JPG
•  Upload finished projects to your portfolio and/or your DeviantArt page
•  Keep checking your grade on PowerSchool