Friday, May 18, 2012

Photo Story 3: A Portfolio Slideshow

Today we're going to begin using a free program (you can download it here) called Photo Story 3.  Photo Story 3 is a free presentation tool for creating digital stories with photos, text, transitions, audio narration and background music. It is a modern day version of show and tell or story telling.

You can select numerous photographs [in order if you prefer], add background music, narrate your slideshow, etc.  If you don't have music of your own, Photo Story has a build in "music creator" which will fit a variety of "moods".

Today we are going to create a slideshow using pictures of our projects from our portfolio's.  These include Photoshop, Bryce, Rhino, Sweet Home 3D, etc.  You can also include screen shots of HTML or Flash, or even your other creations (welding, woodwork, paintings, etc.).

To create a Photo Story 3 project:
  • Launch the Photo Story 3 application
  • Check "Begin a new story" and click "Next"
  • Click "Import Pictures"
  • Select the pictures you would like to use in your project and click "Ok"
  • Click "Next"
  • If you don't wish to add titles/comments to your pictures, click "Next"
  • If you don't want to record narration, click "Next"
  • Click "Select Music" and choose the MP3 file you want to use for your background music
  • Click "Next"
  • Select the folder you want to save your work to (I suggest Thawspace) and click "Next"
  • Photo Story 3 will now build your movie file

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•  Add your name to your projects
•  Save Photoshop projects as PSD and JPG
•  Save Bryce projects as BR7 and [Save Image As] JPG
•  Save Sculptris projects as SC1 and JPG and export it as an OBJ.
•  Save Rhino projects as 3DM and JPG
•  Save Flash projects as FLA and go to FILE>PUBLISH SETTINGS and publish as SWF and JPG
•  Upload finished projects to your portfolio and/or your DeviantArt page
•  Keep checking your grade on PowerSchool