Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Final Grade Request

All projects are due on Friday, June 8th.  I try to take your opinions into consideration when giving you a grade.  I would like you to provide me with the following feedback for consideration in your final grade:

Open Microsoft Word and create a new document called, "Advanced Computers Final Grade Request" -- and add your name to the top of the page, obviously.  Then answer the following questions:

  1. If you had to design an "Advanced Computers" class next year, describe how you would set the class up.  What sorts of projects or technologies would you use?  How would you assign grades?  What would you do [or NOT do]?
  2. What was your favorite project this year... and why?
  3. What was your least favorite project this year... and why?
  4. What general recommendations do you have for me in doing Projects in Computers classes next year?
  5. Honestly assess yourself on how you spent your time in this class this year.
  6. If you were to honestly assign yourself a grade this quarter, what grade do you believe you deserve?  Why?
Extra Credit:
  1. What are some original projects that we could do in Photoshop [which we didn't do this year]?  For example, a student recommended that we do a Photoshop paper doll in Photoshop and then use it for when we get to the Flash paper doll assignment.  Another student this year recommended the Facebook Cover Picture project.
  2. What are some original projects that we could [but didn't already] do in Rhino?
  3. What are some original projects that we could [bud didn't already] do in Bryce?
  4. What are some original projects that we could [bud didn't already] do in Flash?
  5. What are some original projects that we could [bud didn't already] do in Sculptris?
  6. What are some original projects that we could [bud didn't already] do in Video Editing?  For example, students have recommended that we should make a commercial or do a team project creating a short film.
Note: Sophomores, Juniors and Freshmen may turn in their video projects on the Finals day.

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•  Add your name to your projects
•  Save Photoshop projects as PSD and JPG
•  Save Bryce projects as BR7 and [Save Image As] JPG
•  Save Sculptris projects as SC1 and JPG and export it as an OBJ.
•  Save Rhino projects as 3DM and JPG
•  Save Flash projects as FLA and go to FILE>PUBLISH SETTINGS and publish as SWF and JPG
•  Upload finished projects to your portfolio and/or your DeviantArt page
•  Keep checking your grade on PowerSchool